Thursday, November 8, 2007

Reader Query: Who is more powerful Mightor or Superman?

Q: Dear Mightor - I know you are very mighty and your awesomeness knows no bounds, but Superman is generally regarded as the most powerful superhero ever. So I guess my question is, who would win in a fight, you or Superman? (Bob Blanco, Charlotte, NC)

A: Bob, A much better question would be: "Who would win in a fight, Superman or my pinkie?" Supes is a good friend of mine, and we do get together from time to time to watch porn and play Risk together, but c'mon now, there is no contest when it comes to who is more powerful or awesomer in general. Superman's powers are derived from the yellow sun. Extinguish said yellow sun with blustery Mightor breath. Fight over.

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